tirsdag 25. mars 2008

And the winner is ...

The winner of the Best Snapshot in Second Life contest from Open Day, and
the prize of a free tenancy of the huge glass lobby at the base of the brown
tower, is Norwegian educator Kita Coage of Diginalet, who already have a
presence on our main courtyard.

This should be a great opportunity to welcome Norwegian teachers into participating in Second Life. Eduisland II has a great learning environment, where you get to meat teachers from all over the world. I'm thrilled! It's a big challenge ahead, but what a pleasurable challenge. Yeeeeehaaaa and: Thank you! A special thanks goes to Thonalon Umarov for posing!


The picture:

The SLtweets HUD

This litte SLtweets-tool, with HUD (Heads Up Display) function is totally free and gives you the opportunity to:
share that information with the world- over the Web, in your own Research notes, with other Twitter users, and if they have SMS updates enabled- your discovery can go all the way to a person's cell phone or PDA!
It's a lot more easy now to share great places to go. The SLtweets tool automaticly floats on top of you screen:

Thanks to Steve Dembo

mandag 24. mars 2008

Animation gesticulation

Gickr helps you to pimp your myspace
pimp your myspace at Gickr.com

Got myself a face gesticulation animation - for the fun of it. You can get it at: Aelin I had some trouble with the transaction, but the creator, Johan Durant, was friendly enough to pas it over. Price: 450 L$

The expressions you see above (suprise, anger, sad, happy, none, repulsed, cry, laugh, afraid, worry and embarrasse) athat goes with the animationre produced with the web 2.o tool Gickr.com which is excellent for animation and slides. I also made a tutorial for my art class project tomorrow - using Gickr and Jing:

avatars myspace with Gickr

søndag 23. mars 2008

Open day - hurray!

Open day at Eduisland II yesterday was a thrill! I connected to new friends and won a 500 L$ prize, what more can you ask for. Congratz to the king of eggs who collected all together 19! Fleet Goldenberg did a great job on organizing the event, and here are the egg hunt results and his finale report:

The joint EduIsland II and EduIsland 5 Open Day on Saturday 22 was a great
success! Aided by announcements in the SLED list and in the Discovery
Educator Network (DEN) blog site, there was a regular footfall of visitors,
many of whom were new to Second Life and appreciative of what they could
learn from the Day and the SL beginner information packs dispensed by its

The Open Day acted as a platform to launch a series of innovative new
features and services, including the 'Potential' instructional philosophy
for maximization of human potential, an exhibition area displaying exhibits
about possible future sciences and technologies, a competitive educational
essay-writing League for tweens and teens, videogame-style Island Storylines
and Quests and a new amusement arcade center for 18-year old teens newly
arrived from Teen Second Life that provides a base for adult educators
interested in working with teens on the adult Main Grid.

Other highlights of the day were prize contests to earn L$ and land, the
most popular of which was our island-wide Easter Egg Hunt. There were five
winners who won prizes ranging from L$1000 to L$75. First place was taken
by Thonalon Umarov, followed by Kita Coage (2nd
place), Riptide Furse (3rd place), Kattina Giha and Smartlak Goodfellow
(joint 4th place) and last but not least, Bravo5 Avro, Eya Oh and Zsuzsa
Tomsen (joint 5th place).

There were sadly no participants for our other two prize contests, the
'Whack a Mole Arcade Challenge' and the 'Collaborative Questing Challenge'
but we'll be looking to continue these two activities as regular features.
The winner of the 'Best Snapshot in SL' contest to win a free 12 month
tenancy of a huge luxury office building on EduIsland II will be judged
later in the week in order to give folk time to come up with some great

We look forward to seeing everyone again at the 2009 Open Day!

I caught this fella in the action of hunting inside an egg! The picture is already sent in for the "Best snapshot" contest.

fredag 21. mars 2008

Tiny slurl

I have added a Tiny Slurl widget in my menu. You can make a tiny slurl or get your own if you'd like - nice to use with Twitter ...

torsdag 20. mars 2008

Building bridges between SL and RL

Steve Dembo
So this is what is left of my film from Steve Dembo's presentation: Building Bridges between SL and RL. I checked "sound on mic", before I went a head an recorded, I also did a couple of tests to make sure everything was OK before the big event: But what do you know? Camtasia and I have to get to know each other better I guess. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pictures, the music and the links below.
Bottom line is that this probably wouldn't have been very easy to publish afterwards, because of the weight. The gathering lasted for about an hour at least (worth every minute of it). Dembo gave us all some exclusive tips on tools for our lives to synchronize.

Thanks to Lor and Dembo!

I think I might write this blog in both English and Norwegian. Not a bad idea for an English teacher ...

søndag 16. mars 2008

ISTE - søndagsutflukt til Paris

søndag 9. mars 2008

Ups ...

Det er fort gjort å trykke feil ... godt sånt bare skjer i Second Life. Et bom-klikk og halve huset forsvant i brøkdelen av et sekund.

Da er det godt å ha en husvert som bare er et tastetrykk unna - Fleet Goldberg holder i RL til i Storbritania. Tidsforskjellen som ellers kan være et problem fordi de fleste holder til over there, men i dette leieforholdet er jeg kanskje en av de få som er priviligert med en landlord som går i samme rytme - og servisen er topp. Har lært noen små triks av den gule kaninen.

Men så spørs det da ... så det kanskje bedre ut med den lille missen tro?

onsdag 5. mars 2008

Diginalet - PLE

Jeg har leid meg inn på Eduisland II, i et flott kontorlanskap. Bygget har fått navnet Diginalet - PLE, og hva jeg har tenkt å bruke det til er jeg ikke helt sikker på enda. Jeg stiller meg like undrenden som ellers, og som David Warlick også referer til i dag:
  • Why suhould I learn this?
  • What can I learn about?
  • How could I study it?
  • How will I learn it?
  • How do we know I’ve learned it?
  • Where will it get me?
Kontoret - eller det personlige læringsrommet (PLE - Personal Learning Enviroment) håper jeg vil gi meg nye impulser og nye kunnskaper om IKT i læring. Frem til nå har jeg flakket en del omkring i SL. Jeg er medlem av ISTE , som de fleste av mine naboer. De arrangerer søndagsuflukter - annenhver uke, til virtuelle lanskap som egner seg for undervisning. Til nå har det vært mest for vgs-nivå, og kanskje særlig språkfagene men KH-faget og historie har også vært representert. Jeg er for tiden på utkikk etter et godt sted for KRL-faget, f.eks. et sted som viser kirke-arkitektur samt religiøse rekvisita og andre aktuelle ting (hva det måtte innebære) for ungdomstrinnet.

DEN (Discovery Education Network) og the C.A.V.E (Center for Advanced Virtuell Education) er en av mine nærmeste naboer. Der er det flere kjente bloggere, blant annet Warlick, Will Richardson, KJHax og flere. Et steinkast unna finnes også ISTE's hovedkvarter, Vestfoldbibliotekets hus og Info island DK. Det skulle være duket for mange interessante møter. Et hinder er tidsforskjellen. Akkurat når de over there starter å dukke opp er det leggetid for en viking. Helger og ferier er det som hittil gir de beste muligheter for å treffe kjente og ukjente.